教师资格证初中英语教学设计:Body language around the world



1. 题目:Body language around the world (初中)2018年1月

2. 内容:

Our new foreign students are going to arrive very soon, and here are some ways to welcome them.

How close do you stand when you talk to a friend? You can stand close to people in the Middle East but don’t stand too close to North Americans! Give them more personal space.

How about touching people? Chinese girls often walk arm in arm with their friends. South Americans sometimes hold your arms when they talk to you, so you can’t move away! But in Britain many people don’t like other people to touch them at all.

Do you look at people when you talk? In some places, it isn’t polite to look at people when you talk, but in other countries it isn’t polite to look somewhere else. In Britain and the US, people usually look at each other when they talk.

And how do you say goodbye? That’s easy. Wave to say goodbye. But be careful! In Greece, it’s not at all polite! In fact, it’s very rude!

3. 要求:





Teaching aims

1) Knowledge aim

Students will be able to master the new words, and phrases, such as “personal, touch, rude”.

2) Ability aim

Students can be able to improve their reading skills, such as skimming for the main idea, and scanning for specific information.

3) Emotional aim

Students can understand the differences of body language all over the world, and learn to accept and respect them.

Important and difficult points

1) Important point

Students will be guided to master the new words, phrases and sentences.

2) Difficult point

How to cultivate students’ cross-cultural communication ability.

Teaching and learning methods

Situational teaching method; communicative teaching method; task-based teaching method; group work method; cooperation study method; independent study method

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Lead in

Playing a game: The teacher presents some pictures on the PPT about body language and asks students to act them out silently. Students are divided into four groups and have a competition.

Step 2: Pre-reading

Discussion: The teacher asks students to work in groups of four and discuss different body language they know around the world. After that, some representatives are invited to share their ideas.

Step 3: While-reading

1. Fast-reading

Students read the passage quickly to get the topic sentence of each paragraph and then circle the new words and phrases. The teacher will explain the new words to students. Then he/she writes the new words on the blackboard.

2. Careful-reading

Task1: Students read the passage and answer the questions.

Task2: Students read the passage carefully and complete the table on the PPT.

Step 4: Post-reading

Acting out: The teacher asks students to work in groups of four and acts out different body language according to the passage.

Step 5: summary and homework

1. Summary

Ask students to look at the blackboard and lead them to summarize what they have learned in the class.

2. Homework

Students finish the exercises in the textbook.

Students surf the Internet about more body language around the world.

Blackboard design








